Posts shortcodes

The custom shortcodes for news and articles

Shortcode #3
The largest tournament in the Dota2 esports discipline has been postponed several times. Initially, it was supposed ...
3 years ago
0 1132
This time, the situation with the registration of the team slot got an unpleasant turn. It’s hard ...
3 years ago
0 1076
The new season of League Overwatch has pleased players with a new format and a bunch of ...
3 years ago
0 822
The ResidentSleeper emoticon depicts the streamer Oddler falling asleep during the broadcast. In the fall of 2012, ...
3 years ago
0 858
Shortcode #5
3 years ago 0 1132
The largest tournament in the Dota2 esports discipline has been postponed several times. Initially, it was supposed to take place in 2020, but due to the pandemic, it was postponed ...
3 years ago 0 1076
This time, the situation with the registration of the team slot got an unpleasant turn. It’s hard to believe, but Danila Ishutin, the founder of the increasingly popular B8 team, ...
3 years ago 0 822
The new season of League Overwatch has pleased players with a new format and a bunch of other buns. Sanghai Dragons won the season, and the team standings continued to ...
3 years ago 0 858
The ResidentSleeper emoticon depicts the streamer Oddler falling asleep during the broadcast. In the fall of 2012, he hosted a 72-hour Resident Evil marathon. At the 66th hour of the ...
Shortcode #8
Shortcode #9
Shortcode #10
3 years ago 0 1132
3 years ago 0 1076